If YOU were in the military (CH. 30, 31, 32, 33, 1606, 1607)

  • DD214 or N.O.B.E. (Notice Of Basic Eligibility) and VA certificate of eligibility
  • Go to VA’s website: www.gibill.va.gov if this is your first time using your G.I. Bill benefits, complete VONAPP and print out the Application for Educational Benefits form 22-1990
  • If benefits were received at another college or university, (disregard #2) and go to VA’s website:  www.gibill.va.gov and complete VONAPP form 22-1995 (Change of Program Form)
  • Attach a copy of your student detail classes schedule with account summary by term printed out from the web, or from Bursars Office.
  • Complete semester VA benefit form.
  • Submit items at the counter or to the VA Counselor.

If YOU are a DEPENDENT of someone who was in the military (Ch 33 TOE or 35)

  • Go to VA’s website www.gibill.va.gov and compete the VONAPP Application For Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance form 22-5490 (CH 35)
  • If Ch. 35 benefits were received at another college or university (disregard #1) go to VA’s website:  www.gibill.va.gov and complete VONAPP form 22-5495 (Change of Program Form)
  • Complete Department of Defense (DOD) Transfer of Entitlement (TOE) and submit approval (Ch 33 only).
  • Attach a copy of your student detail classes schedule with account summary by term (fee receipt - printed out from the web, or from Bursars Office))
  • Complete semester VA benefit form
  • Submit items at the counter or to the VA Counselor.

ALL CONTINUING STUDENTS (had VA benefits last semester @ TSU)

  • Complete semester VA benefit form
  • Attach a copy of your student detail classes schedule account summary by term (fee receipt - printed out from the web, or from Bursars Office)
  • Submit items at the counter or to the VA Counselor.

Failure to Submit All Required Documentation Will Delay VA Payment!!!

Kiki Hebert
Phone: (713) 313-1984
Email: kiki.hebert@knowledgemantra.net
Fax: 713-313-1878


Department of Veteran Affairs Phone: 1-888-442-4551